Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Getting rid of the "Internet Explorer provided by...." in the title bar

When I got my new Vista laptop the first thing I did was to get rid of all the crapware that was installed on it. Having done that successfully I had to live with an annoying Internet Explorer title "Internet explorer provided by Dell".

Here is an easy way of removing that message.

Go to Start -> Run and paste the following text and hit enter. Restart IE and it should be gone.

"rundll32 iedkcs32.dll,Clear"

The above command clears out all the rebranding that might have been applied to your internet explorer.

(Another way to do the same thing is to edit the registy directly, though I like the above method better as it probably removes all other branding information that might be stored for IE - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Window Title)


  1. did the trick, nice one. thank you.

  2. that worked beautifully! thank you!

  3. wow, what a simple solution...many thanks

  4. Fab! Now can you tell me how to get rid of all that other "crapware" installed on it? - katblust@sbcglobal.net


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