function RestoreDbFromDPM #this script is based on Wilson Souza's work as described at #
{ Param([string] $dpmServerName, [string] $sqlProtectionGroupName, [string] $serverName, [string] $databaseName, [string] $restoreToServerName, [string] $restorePathMdf, [string] $restorePathLog, [bool] $doTheRestore = $false, [string] $dateOfRestoreToUse = $null, [string] $dpmServerUsedToProtectClient = $null) $startDate = $null; $endDate = $null; if ($dateOfRestoreToUse -ne $null -and $dateOfRestoreToUse.Length -gt 0) #if a date was provided then setup a date-range { $startDate = Get-Date $dateOfRestoreToUse; $endDate = $startDate.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1); #one day } if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name 'Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) { Add-PSSnapin -Name 'Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell' Write-Host "Completed loading DPM powershell snapin" } else { Write-Host "DPM powershell snapin is already loaded" } RepointDpmAgent $dpmServerName $restoreToServerName Connect-DPMServer $dpmServerName; #lets connect $sqlProtectionGroup=Get-ProtectionGroup $dpmServerName | where-object { $_.FriendlyName -eq $sqlProtectionGroupName} if($sqlProtectionGroup -eq $null) { Write-Host "The protection group $sqlProtectionGroupName was not found on the server $dpmServerName"; return; } #find the data-source for the database-name on the server requested $sqlDataSource = Get-DataSource -ProtectionGroup $sqlProtectionGroup | where-object { $ -eq $databaseName -and $_.Instance -eq $serverName} if ($sqlDataSource -ne $null) { $sqlDs = [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.SQL.SQLDataSource]$sqlDataSource; #find a recoverypoint that is not incremental - not sure why incremenatl restores bomb! $recoveryPoints = Get-Recoverypoint -DataSource $sqlDs | where-object { $_.HasFastRecoveryMarker -eq "Fast" -and $_.IsRecoverable} if ($recoveryPoints -eq $null) { Write-Host "A recovery point for the database: $databaseName on server: $serverName was not found in the protection group $sqlProtectionGroup" -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($startDate -ne $null) #range has been provided - lets find a recovery point within the date range { $recoveryPoints = $recoveryPoints | ` Where-Object {` $_.RepresentedPointInTime -ge $startDate -and ` $_.RepresentedPointInTime -lt $endDate` }; if ($recoveryPoints -ne $null) { Write-Host "A recovery point for the specified date: $startDate was found. Recovery Point date: $($recoveryPoints.RepresentedPointInTime)" } else { Write-Host "A recovery point for the database: $databaseName on server: $serverName was not found "` "in the protection group $sqlProtectionGroupName "` "within the daterange: $startDate to $endDate. "` "Restore cannot proceed!" ` -ForegroundColor Red return } } if ($recoveryPoints.Count) #check if we got back an array { $recoveryPointToUse = $recoveryPoints[-1]; #array - select the latest } else { $recoveryPointToUse = $recoveryPoints; } if ($recoveryPointToUse -eq $null)#what! fail! { Write-Host "A recovery point for the database: $databaseName on server: $serverName was not found in the protection group $sqlProtectionGroup" -ForegroundColor Red return } $length = $recoveryPointToUse.PhysicalPath.Length; #Length = num files (eg: mdf and log = 2) #lets setup the alt.database details. $alternateDatabaseDetails = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.SQL.AlternateDatabaseDetailsType; $LocationMapping = New-Object Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.SQL.FileLocationMapping[] $length; $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping = $LocationMapping $i = 0; $a = $null; while($i -lt $length) { $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i] = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.SQL.FileLocationMapping; $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i].FileName = $recoveryPointToUse.FileSpecifications[$i].FileSpecification; $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i].SourceLocation = [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.OMCommon.PathHelper]::GetParentDirectory($recoveryPointToUse.PhysicalPath[$i]); if ($alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i].FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".ldf")) { $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i].DestinationLocation = $restorePathLog #= $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i].SourceLocation; } else { $alternateDatabaseDetails.LocationMapping[$i].DestinationLocation = $restorePathMdf } $i++; } $alternateDatabaseDetails.InstanceName = $restoreToServerName; $alternateDatabaseDetails.DatabaseName = $databaseName; $recoveryOption = New-RecoveryOption ` -TargetServer $restoreToServerName ` -RecoveryLocation OriginalServerWithDBRename ` -SQL ` -RecoveryType Recover ` -AlternateDatabaseDetails $alternateDatabaseDetails; #drop the database if it already exists - else DPM fails on the restore DropDatabase $restoreToServerName $databaseName; $dbsize = ($recoveryPointToUse.Size / (1024*1024*1024)).ToString(".###"); Write-Host "restoring database: $($alternateDatabaseDetails.DatabaseName)`n"` " with backup from $($recoveryPointToUse.RepresentedPointInTime)`n"` " to Sql-Server: $($alternateDatabaseDetails.InstanceName)`n"` " DB size: $dbsize GB .....`n" if ($doTheRestore) { $restoreJob = Recover-RecoverableItem -RecoverableItem $recoveryPointToUse -RecoveryOption $recoveryOption; Write-Host "Restore Status: $($restoreJob.Status)`n HasCompleted: $($restoreJob.HasCompleted)`n Start: $($restoreJob.StartTime)" $waitTime = 2; #initial wait time while ($restoreJob -ne $null -and $restoreJob.HasCompleted -eq $false) { Write-Host "." -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitTime; $waitTime = 20; } Write-Host "" if($restoreJob.Status -ne "Succeeded") { Write-Host "Restore Status: $($restoreJob.Status)`n Start: $($restoreJob.StartTime)`n End: $($restoreJob.EndTime)" -ForeGroundColor Red } else { Write-Host "Restore Status: $($restoreJob.Status)`n Start: $($restoreJob.StartTime)`n End: $($restoreJob.EndTime)" -ForeGroundColor DarkGreen } $td = (New-Timespan -Start $restoreJob.StartTime -end $restoreJob.EndTime) Write-Host "Elapsed time: Hours: $($td.Hours) Minutes:$($td.Minutes) Seconds:$($td.Seconds) MSecs:$($td.Milliseconds)" } else { Write-Host "DoTheRestore is set to false - restore is not being performed" -BackgroundColor Red } } else { Write-Host "Database $databaseName on $serverName was not found" -ForeGroundColor Red } Disconnect-DPMServer $dpmServerName if ($dpmServerUsedToProtectClient.Length -gt 0)#we have been provided the dpmserver for protection - so repoint { RepointDpmAgent $dpmServerUsedToProtectClient $restoreToServerName } } function DropDatabase([string] $restoreToServerName, [string] $databaseName) { Write-Host "Checking if database $databaseName needs to be dropped" [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | out-null $sqlServerSmo = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server ($restoreToServerName) if ($sqlServerSmo.databases[$databaseName] -ne $null) { Write-Host "Dropping database $databaseName on server $restoreToServerName" $sqlServerSmo.KillAllProcesses($databaseName) $sqlServerSmo.databases[$databaseName].drop() Write-Host "Database $databaseName on server $restoreToServerName has been dropped" } else { Write-Host "Database $databaseName does not exist on server $restoreToServerName" } Write-Host "" } function RepointDpmAgent([string] $dpmServerName, [string] $dpmClient) { Write-Host "Setting the DPMServer for $dpmClient to $dpmServerName" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dpmClient ` -ArgumentList $dpmServerName ` -ScriptBlock {param($serverName) $cmd = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\SetDpmServer.exe"; & $cmd -dpmServerName $serverName;} } ####example of how to call the above functions to perform a restore cls; #dateOfRestoreToUse is optional. If not provided – it will use the latest available restorepoint #doTheRestore is optional. if not true – the script will be run in demo mode and will not perform the restore RestoreDbFromDPM ` -dpmServerName "dpmServerName" ` -sqlProtectionGroupName "ProtectionGroupName" ` -serverName "DatabaseServerOnWhichTheDatabaseResides" ` -databaseName "NameOfTheDatabaseToBeRecovered" ` -restoreToServerName "DatabaseServerToWhichTheRestoreShouldBePerformed" ` -restorePathMdf "D:\MSSQLData\" ` -restorePathLog "L:\MSSQLLog\" ` -dateOfRestoreToUse "2012/01/19" ` -dpmServerUsedToProtectClient "dpmServerThat ServerName should point to for day to day protection" ` #(not required) -doTheRestore $true;
Hi Friend,
I´m use script but result error:
Analyzing the lines not found errors.
Problem my config?
É necessário fornecer uma expressão de valor no lado direito do operador '-and'
Em C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\bin\restore-sql.ps1:57 caractere:74
+ $_.RepresentedPointInTime -ge $startDate -and <<<
< `
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression
Will your script allow for a restore from tape in DPM and Allow the datbase to be restored to a differnet name?
I need to restore PP to PT on the same server from a tape backup.
Differnet directories for each database and log file.
JCTech, I dont know if it will allow to restore from tape. But I also dont see why not. You could use it as a starting point and tweak as needed.
You certainly can rename the database. But I dont know about different directories. Its been a while since I used the script and forget all its capabilities.
the params
are the name of the servers, not the instances, right?
Is there a way to define the name of the Restore instance?
Vladimir, serverName would be the server name + instance (eg: dbServer\instance).
Try it out and let me know if it works.
i a completely oblivious when it comes to deciphering powershell on my own.
i copied this PS to my dpm server. i saw the the flag for $doTheRestore was set to $false. i am taking this as this will run but will not actually restore. So i ran the script to see what put put i get. it returns to the next time. where do i put in my data to get results?
I have bee trying to figure this out on my own, but I am at the point where i need to ask for some guidance. please assist if you can.
Thank you
You need to change the values right at the bottom of the entire script. So it would be the part that looks like this: (Also note that doTheRestore is set to true and so it will run the restore. Set it to false to just test it out)
RestoreDbFromDPM `
-dpmServerName "dpmServerName" `
-sqlProtectionGroupName "ProtectionGroupName" `
-serverName "DatabaseServerOnWhichTheDatabaseResides" `
-databaseName "NameOfTheDatabaseToBeRecovered" `
-restoreToServerName "DatabaseServerToWhichTheRestoreShouldBePerformed" `
-restorePathMdf "D:\MSSQLData\" `
-restorePathLog "L:\MSSQLLog\" `
-dateOfRestoreToUse "2012/01/19" `
-dpmServerUsedToProtectClient "dpmServerThat ServerName should point to for day to day protection" ` #(not required)
-doTheRestore $true;
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