Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cam-Trax - Controller based on Video Tracking

A while back I had written about the real cool demos that Johnny Chung had made taking the Wii controller to the next level - by using it to track different kinds of objects so as to be able to work as a input device. (Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii). The idea was based on using the camera in the Wii Remote to track objects (basically using the remote in a reverse configuration than the way it was intended to be used).

The following video is from what looks like an Israeli company - that has taken video tracking to the next level - by allowing you to use almost any object as an input interface. Check out the video as words are hard to describe the coolness of what these guys have done.


I love how they have mixed up Pong and brought that game in to the 21st century. Cant wait to play it. Wonder if Nintendo will buy this technology to incorporate it into the Wii.

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