Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Telerik ASP.Net MVC Grid–Ajax binding boolean property

When you bind a collection of objects that have a boolean property on them and if you use server side binding, the columns are automatically rendered as check-boxes. But instead, if you use AJAX binding with the telerik MVC grid, they get rendered as literal texts (“true” or “false”). To fix it, what you need to do is to set the ClientTemplate. Here is an example:

grid.Columns(columns => {
columns.Bound(o => o.Value).ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' <#=Value?'checked':''#> disabled />");

Where the code that’s highlighted is the binding code and “Value” is the property to which I am binding. Also, I am using the ternary operator to output “checked:’’” if its true, else it outputs nothing.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Javascript–Convert URLs in text to links

Was looking for some code to convert urls in strings to url anchors. Came across this post (JMRWare) and below is the extracted code for javascript:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

ASP.Net MVC–Authorize filter that loads users and roles from the application configuration file

I needed the ability to set the Authorization filter from a config file (instead of setting the roles and users directly on the controller). The main reason for this is that I needed different roles to be authorized to hit the action based on the environment to which it was deployed (dev,qa, prod).

Here is the code:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

C#–Determining if an object implements or derives from a generic class or interface

Imagine you have a generic class and interface that are defined as follows:

public abstract class MyGenericClass<T>
public interface IMyGenericInterface<T>

If you were to derive or implement from the above class/interface, you will find that you cannot use the “is” keyword to determine if that class implements or derives from the above interface. Here is what I mean: If I were to implement/derive from the base class like so:

public class MyInt:MyGenericClass<int>

public class MyInterfacedInt:IMyGenericInterface<int>

Then I can do the following: (code will run in LinqPad)

MyInt myInt = new MyInt();
MyInterfacedInt myIInt = new MyInterfacedInt();

(myInt is MyInt).Dump();//true
(myIInt is MyInterfacedInt).Dump();//true;

(myInt is MyGenericClass<int>).Dump();//true
(myIInt is IMyGenericInterface<int>).Dump();//true;

But I cannot do the following:

//Will not compile
//(myInt is MyGenericClass<>).Dump();
//(myInt is IMyGenericInterface<>).Dump();

Why is this important? If you plan on loading plugins at run time, then all you know is that they will implement an interface or a base class and you need to check that. One way around this would be to create a non-generic base class or interface and check against that. But that might not be a possibility if you are using a 3rd party API (eg: Prism and the CompositePresentationEvent<> type).

So here is a helper class that can do just that:

static class ReflectionHelper
    public static bool IsDerivedOrImplementedFrom<T>(this T objectToCheck, Type parentType) where T : class
        if (objectToCheck == null)
            return false;
        if (parentType.IsInstanceOfType(objectToCheck))
            return true;

        bool checkingInterfaces = parentType.IsInterface;
        Type toCheck = objectToCheck.GetType();
        while (toCheck != null && toCheck != typeof(object)) {
            var cur = toCheck.IsGenericType ? toCheck.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : toCheck;
            if (checkingInterfaces)
                bool implementsParentInterface = toCheck.GetInterfaces()
                                            .Any(ci => {
                                                return ci.IsGenericType ? ci.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == parentType :
                                                    ci == parentType;
                if (implementsParentInterface)
                    return true;
                if (parentType == cur)
                    return true;
            toCheck = toCheck.BaseType;
        return false;


And here is how you call it:

static void Main(string[] args)
            MyInt myInt = new MyInt();
            MyInterfacedInt myIInt = new MyInterfacedInt();

            "Using the \"is\" keyword".Dump();

            (myInt is MyInt).Dump();//true
            (myIInt is MyInterfacedInt).Dump();//true;

            (myInt is MyGenericClass<int>).Dump();//true
            (myIInt is IMyGenericInterface<int>).Dump();//true;

            //Will not compile
            //(myInt is MyGenericClass<>).Dump();
            //(myInt is IMyGenericInterface<>).Dump();

            "Using IsDerivedOrImplementedFrom".Dump();
            myInt.IsDerivedOrImplementedFrom(typeof(MyInt)).Dump(); //true


            "Negative tests Using IsDerivedOrImplementedFrom".Dump();

            myInt.IsDerivedOrImplementedFrom(typeof(MyInterfacedInt)).Dump(); //false



Here is the full code:

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Linqer–Sql to Linq tool

Came across Linqer, a Sql to LINQ conversion tool. From some preliminary tests, I found that it worked pretty well given some complex queries.

Unfortunately, there is no free version of the tool and it costs $60. This would be a fabulous tool within LinqPad. Hopefully someday LinqPad will include this functionality.

Syncfusion Succinctly Series of ebooks

I have been enjoying the SyncFusion suite of products for about 4 months now. Apart from a stellar set of UI tools, what I have liked about Syncfusion is the constant communication that they provide the developer community. One example of this is the Succintly series of e-books that they release periodically.

You can check out the list of books that they have at:

I found that the jQuery and Javascript books were useful for me as refreshers when I was getting back into Asp.Net MVC programming after spending a while in classic Asp.Net and Silverlight. In addition, I had provided the book on data-structures to a junior developer at work and he liked it very much (and actually noted that it better explained some concepts than his teacher did). I am also interested in looking at the books on Objective-C and GIS.

Just about the only thing I hate about the succintly series is that I need to enter my contact information each time I get download a book from the series. (especially since I have already logged into the site).

Oh! and while you are on their site, get their Metro Studio product for free. It’s the best free resource for metro style icons.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Syncfusion’s tools as a door prize at the Denver Visual Studio user group meeting and Syncfusion is also providing me a small cash compensation for this post. But, none of that influenced the comments in this post. I meant to post this as a resource long before I was contacted by Syncfusion.