Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LogicApp–HttpRequest trigger: retrieving query parameters

With a Http request based trigger, how do you retrieve the query parameter values (eg: &queryParamName=hello%20world)? I did not find an answer easily on the internet, so here it is:



The above example, will retrieve the query param value for a query param named “queryParamName” and return it as a response.

Another way to achieve the same thing, but in a simpler manner is to use the RelativePath:


When you add the relative path, you will have to get the updated HTTP Get URL (that gets generated for you) and in the URL you will find


To call the logic-app, all you have to do is replace the bolded section with a value (invoke/queryParamName/hello%20world/.

I prefer using the relative-path method, because you will find that the logicApp designer will make the variable (in this case queryParamName), easily available to other actions, which is not just nicer, but also protects you from typos.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Databricks–Using Databricks Secrets

Here are all the steps needed to setup a secret in databricks (not key-vault) in Databricks. This works with the standard version of DB:

Install Databricks CLI:
1. install databricks cli (needs python)
     pip install databricks-cli
2. Setup databricks token (needs token from user-settings in Databricks. Also needs the host url: eg Host:
     databricks configure --token
3. Create a scope
     databricks secrets create-scope --scope dbSecretsScope --initial-manage-principal "users"
4. Add a key-value to scope
     databricks secrets put --scope dbSecretsScope --key mydbPassword --string-value myPasswordValue
5. List keys in scope
     databricks secrets list --scope dbSecretsScope

Create a Python notebook and add the following code in a cell and run it

sqlserver ='
port = '1433'
database = 'myFirstDb'
user = 'iamspecial'
pswd = dbutils.secrets.get("dbSecretsScope","mydbPassword")
print "password is", pswd #will display redacted – very important!
table = 'myFirstTable'

## Load Data Frame ##
df1 = \
   .option('user', user) \
   .option('password', pswd) \
   .jdbc('jdbc:sqlserver://' + sqlserver + ':' + port + ';database=' + database, table)

df1 #to display the dataframe to make sure we connected

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Dynamics Error: Only owner can revoke access to the owner.

Error: Only owner can revoke access to the owner. CallerId: xxxxxx, OwnerId: yyyyyyy

I was getting this error when attempting to revoke access from yyyyyy via code on an account entity. What I found out was that while yyyyyy was the owner of the entity, I could successfully revoke access from the entity.

Instead, I first had to assign the entity to the new owner (xxxxxx) and only then could I revoke access from yyyyyy.