A quick post on setting up a connection to Athena with OKTA using JDBC. The SQL client I am using is DBeaver, but any other tool could be used.
- Figure out your connection string.
replace the highlighted sections with values that are valid for your org.jdbc:awsathena://AwsRegion=us-west-2;S3OutputLocation=s3://my-athena-results-bucket/results-folder/;AwsCredentialsProviderClass=com.simba.athena.iamsupport.plugin.OktaCredentialsProvider;user={user};password={password};idp_host=mycompany.okta.com;App_ID=0aosd2asadsdsdsd/123;SSL_Insecure=true;
- In Dbeaver, click on "New Connection", which will bring up the "Connect to a database" dialog. Search for Athena and click next.
- Enter your username & password. For my org, I just had to enter my WindowsNT id without the domain, but it might be different for your org.
- Click on the button Driver Settings
- Test your connection.
That should make it work!
Creating an ODBC connection is very similar: