Saturday, May 02, 2009

Free Business Cards from Google

Google released a new feature called “Profiles”, which will allow people to search for you using Google Search. (It also in a way allows you to control what information shows up when people Google your name – important in this age where companies regularly Google potential employees names).

When you setup your Google profile, and enough information is added (full name, city you currently life in and current company), your Google Profile will start appearing on Google search pages when some one does a search for your name.

And for the first 10,000 people, Google will give them 25 free business cards that look like this:


Setup your Google Profile here: My Profile

And once you get the message that your profile has enough information for it to appear in Google Search, click on the following link to see if you are still in the first 10,000 that can get the 25 free business cards. Order profile business cards

My profile as it shows up in Google when you do a search for “Raj Rao”


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