Saturday, November 03, 2012

Colorado 2012 Elections–Information Sources

Here are some resources that I found useful to fill out the 2012 ballot

  1. A very good website for vote information. Enter your address and you get presented with a personalized list of questions that appear on your ballot. In addition, you get information on all the candidates for a particular race as well as some Q&A filled in by the candidates. Was extremely useful in figuring out where different candidates stand on various issues (especially for local races)
  2. Colorado Office of Judicial Performance Review: A review panel consisting of citizens and attorneys that evaluate and provide opinions on retaining judges. A good website to determine how to vote for judges.
  3. 2012 Blue Book: Ballot information booklet published by the State’s Legislative Council Staff
  4. ColoradoBallot.Net: A site with some basic information on ballot initiatives setup by an independent small business owner.
  5. League of Women Voters – Colorado: Another useful site for ballot information

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