Friday, June 27, 2008

Bill Gates!

Bill Gates last day at work.


On his last day at Microsoft, Victoria Barret ( takes a look at his predictions that he made in his book "The Road Ahead" in 1995.

The following one is on GIS: (

Even at the 10th anniversary of The Road Ahead, one of his predictions sounded far from reality, like a yet-to-be-seen, trippy version of Mapquest: "You'll be able to jump into a map so you can navigate down a street or through the rooms of a building." Today, both Microsoft and Google offer street-view map systems, though neither will fly you through buildings.

EveryScape does have a solution - where you can move from street to inside building views. The views and the viewer are modeled similar to Google's Street View. (Take a tour of the Harvard Natural History Museum - link)

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