Here is the list of tokens available for the text formatter under the logging block:
activity id {activity}
appDomain Name {appDomain}
category {category}
errorMessages {errorMessages}
event Id {eventid}
machine Name {machine}
message {message}
priority {priority}
processId {processId}
processName {processName}
severity {severity}
thread Name {threadName}
timeStamp {timestamp} or {timestamp(local)}
titleToken {title}
win32 ThreadId {win32ThreadId}
Dictionary {dictionary({key} – {value})}
Formatting tokens:
Tab {tab}
NewLine {newline}
Here is a sample template for the text formatter:
"Timestamp: {timestamp(local)}{newline}
{tab}Message: {message}{newline}
{tab}Category: {category}{newline}
{tab}Priority: {priority}{newline}
{tab}EventId: {eventid}{newline}
{tab}Severity: {severity}{newline}
{tab}Machine: {machine}{newline}
{tab}Application Domain: {appDomain}{newline}
{tab}Process Id: {processId}{newline}
{tab}Process Name: {processName}{newline}
{tab}Win32 Thread Id: {win32ThreadId}{newline}
{tab}Thread Name: {threadName}{newline}
{tab}Extended Properties: {dictionary({key} - {value})}"
And here is a template formatted for output to XML: (my preferred method for logging to the database)
The < and > are there so that you can insert it in the config file without VS complaining about invalid xml characters.
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