Thursday, January 05, 2012

MS-FTP: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.

When using Microsoft’s FTP system, if you use the “User name directory” isolation mode:


you may get the “530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible” error.

Some things to check:

1. You should have a LocalUser folder under the FtpRoot folder.

2. You should have a folder with the name of the account that is being used to connect to the FTP server (eg: account name = testAccount, then folder structure should be Inetpub\Ftproot\LocalUser\testAccount).

3. The account being used to connect to the FTP server should have access to the folder created in step 2. (The account should be a local user account on that box).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well done. i was struggling with FTP isolation. thanks heap