Thursday, January 27, 2022

PowerBi REST API - A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.String' and 'Edm.Guid' for operator kind 'Equal'.

 I was trying to query to get workspace with a certain ID.

Using this as the filter (id eq 9c02ab25-0e94-4835-92e6-62ac6460acd0):, causes it fail with the error

  "error": {
    "code": "InvalidRequest",
    "message": "A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.String' and 'Edm.Guid' for operator kind 'Equal'."

The fix is to put your GUID within single quotes: id eq '9c02ab25-0e94-4835-92e6-62ac6460acd0''9c02ab25-0e94-4835-92e6-62ac6460acd0'

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